Any tradesman, builder, crafter, or DIY enthusiast has probably heard of specialized mechanical carpenter pencils.
This simple tool, first made and patented by STKR, was able to revolutionize the carpentry industry, which for years had to rely on the traditional carpenter pencil that could just not quite get the job done right.
Thanks to the mechanical carpenter’s pencil, you don’t have to use the pencil sharpeners specifically for carpenter pencils or struggle with a knife to get the point perfect.
Instead, you may use a pencil designed specifically for carpenters.
Even though you are relying on a modern-day solution, you can maintain all of the advantages that the older version of this tool gave you while leaving all of the annoying downsides behind.
Here is a quick guide to mechanical carpenter pencils, and why you as a carpenter should make the switch from typical pencils to this tool.
Why Are Carpenter Pencils Flat?
First things first, you may be wondering why even the traditional carpenter pencils are flat rather than round like the ones used for writing and drawing.
If you have ever worked with wood in any capacity, whether professionally or as a hobby, you have probably come across a carpenter’s pencil and/or made use of one.
These pens and pencils are not your run-of-the-mill school supplies that you could use in the classroom.
In contrast to the thin, rounded HB variants that we are all used to seeing, a solid carpenter pencil is hefty and has a rectangular form that is similar to that of a popsicle stick.
When placed on an uneven working surface, carpenter’s pencils are intended to lie flat to prevent the pencils from rolling off the surface.
This is done for a very simple reason; to prevent carpenters from losing their pencils all of the time!
There are also a few other features of these pencils that are very useful to carpentry.
The carpenter pencils marker is made of lead, which is not only thicker and more sturdy, but also more resistant to breaking, and it leaves a mark that is darker and more noticeable on wood and rough surfaces.
This is a very necessary feature if you are working with building materials that are either coarse or thick, such as wood, stone, or concrete.
What Are The Downsides Of Traditional Carpenter Pencils?
The lead of a traditional carpenter’s pencil, while being perfect for use in this craft, cannot be sharpened using any of the methods that are typically used to sharpen pencils.
A standard sharper, with a hole shaped like a circle, cannot fit the flat shape of a carpenter pencil to turn it into a fine point like a normal pencil.
You can get bigger sharpeners, but these turn the lead into a fragile point that is prone to breaking and wearing down extremely fast on a variety of building materials.
This is because the point has been altered.
So what about using a knife? Unfortunately, this won’t work either.
Because the lead shatters and splinters when it is cut with a knife, and the tip becomes erratic as a result, it is difficult to draw a line correctly with a lead that has been cut in this manner.
Standard carpenter pencils also have other issues. Due to the natural bending that occurs over time, a pencil made of wood will eventually lose its shape.
This will result in the lead becoming shattered into several pieces inside the pencil.
When sharpening it, it is not uncommon to take out huge bits of lead, which is due to the reason stated above.
When this happens, the only thing you can do is throw the whole pencil away and buy a new one, even if your old pencil is still very long and seem to have a lot of life left in it.
Luckily, all of these issues can be solved by using a mechanical pencil instead!
Why Are Mechanical Pencils Better?
An instrument for marking, a mechanical pencil has a lead that can be changed and mechanically expanded. This allows the pencil to have a longer writing capacity.

The lead is normally made of graphite and may be retracted for your convenience. This helps to prevent any breakage.
It is possible to use it to make lines of a consistent width throughout the surface of a range of materials, including paper, plasterboard, and wood, which some carpenter pencils may struggle with.
In comparison to a regular carpenter pencil, which need to be sharpened often, these pencils require very little, if any, sharpening, and provide an excellent balance between precision and break-resistance.
The use of mechanical pencils is usually required for tasks requiring the creation of artwork or furniture out of wood.
Not only are they less likely to crack, but also, for your simplicity and convenience, they usually come with a sharpener that is already built into them.
Even when used on the most abrasive of wood surfaces, these pencils maintain their sturdiness and resilience.
Also, they are offered in a variety of lead colors that may be purchased from many places, including craft stores, online, and any DIY and home improvement store.
What Is The Best Mechanical Pencil To Buy?
Probably the best mechanical carpenter pencil that you can get is the one that started them all, the STKR mechanical carpenter pencil.
This is the original mechanical carpenter pencil, with it being the very first one patented.
The STKR Carpenter Pencil has been constructed of high-impact ABS, it stays the same length throughout its whole existence, and it comes standard with its own lead called Duralead.
You won’t even have to sharpen it, just simply replace the lead once it gets dull or runs out.
You may release extra lead anytime you need it by tapping the cap.
All you have to do is press it. If you are working on delicate trim work and want pinpoint accuracy, you may “fine tune” the lead tip by using sandpaper or any other abrasive material that is readily accessible around the job site.
This will allow you to achieve greater precision in your work.
When working in a workshop or on a job site, you want a tool that will be able to handle everything.
Traditional wooden pencils are very prone to snapping or breaking, which is super annoying if that was your only pencil.
By using the STKR, you won’t have this problem. The body of the pencil is made with high impact and shock absorbing A.B.S., so even if you drop it from a high place it will not break.
The design of this pencil is also very rugged and durable, which is what you want when working on a busy and potentially hazardous site.
Another benefit of this mechanical pencil is that as it does not need sharpening, the pencil never gets shorter.
Small pencils can be difficult to use, but this is something that you will never have to deal with when using the STKR.
While wooden carpenter pencils have been around for as long as carpenters themselves, innovation means that we now have better tools for the job.
Mechanical pencils top their predecessors in every way, from being more durable, allowing more adjustments, letting you replace the lead, and lasting a lot longer than the old pencils.
If you are a carpenter or anyone else who works on job sites, this is the perfect tool for you.