Top Hacks For Using An Allen Wrench Quickly

Top Hacks For Using An Allen Wrench Quickly

Are you finding that every time you use an Allen wrench it takes far longer than you would like?

Maybe no matter what you do, it takes ages to use an Allen wrench, and want to know if there is a way you can speed it up? 

Or are you curious and want to know more? No matter what your question might be, we have the answer you search for! 

These days, an Allen wrench is an integral tool, especially when it comes to assembling or disassembling furniture.

It can be used with a special type of screw, and takes on a very simple shape that makes it easy to screw in hex type screws you may find in IKEA products.

You see videos and tutorials where people use Allen wrenches to assemble furniture in minutes and you think to yourself, wow how easy is that?

So you grab an Allen wrench and a bookcase, and soon find out the hard way it takes longer than the video suggests. 

You start to wonder if it is possible to use an Allen wrench quickly, and why the people in these videos don’t want to share their hacks with you! 

But no more! Today, we are here to spill the secrets and share these hacks with you!

Keep reading to see our top hacks for using an Allen wrench quickly and to have all of your questions answered today! 

We'll show you how to put allen wrenches to the test to create truly furniture that is put together in a tight way that focuses on security and is clever and helpful and helps you to avoid any potential repair cost.

What Is An Allen Wrench?

Before we dive into today’s article, let’s have a quick recap for those that need it! An Allen wrench is an L-shaped tool whose flat ends have a hexagonal shape or key.

Their purpose is to fasten hex screws into metal, wood, and plastic, accessing strong leverage to push a hex head screw into place.

The allen wrench is often known as a hex key, because it has a hexagonal shape, and hex keys are designed to slip right into the bolt head hold the bolt in place. 

They often come in kits for flat-pack furniture where you don’t need a drill or screwdriver to assemble them.

Instead, your Allen wrench can be used to screw all the components together, allowing you to build a table, bookshelf, or even a bed, without the need for any other tools! 

All you need is your own strength to wind the screws into place using the hex key. This is why many people have trouble with hex based tools and any kind of key that uses the hex shape. 

Allen wrenches only work with screws or bolts that feature the hexagonal shape for them to slot into.

There is no point wasting your time trying to use them with other screws or bolts, it just won’t work! Instead, make sure that your screws, bolts, or fasteners feature the hex shape!

Often, they will come with an Allen wrench, so you will know pretty easily what you should be using with them!

There's a good chance that you have a few left in your home from previously putting together other furniture without having to hack away at it with too much torque or effort.

Now that we have established what an Allen wrench is, let’s move on to look at some hacks and tips you can use to speed up the time it takes to use an Allen wrench! 

Top Hacks For Using An Allen Wrench Quickly 

Let’s get straight into what brought you here today! Below is a list of the top hacks and tipswe have found that allow you to use an Allen wrench quickly.

Just keep reading to see these hacks and put them into practice now! 

Top Hacks For Using An Allen Wrench Quickly

Attach The Wrench To A Drill 

First up, we have a hack that the professionals use! It involves cutting off the short leg of the L-shaped tool using a Dremel tool or grinder.

You then take the long leg and insert it into a cordless drill. You can now turn the drill on and use it to tighten your hex screws into place.

This is a good tip, but you should be aware of the fact that it will be impossible to use the tool by hand after altering it in such a way! 

This is far faster than tightening the screws yourself, just make sure your drill is powered up and ready to go, with the right tip, and the right bit to put every bit into place!

All you need to do here is make sure that you have a drill that can hold the Allen wrench and the tools needed to cut the Allen wrench!

Whether you have a metal wrench or a plastic one, you will still need a powerful tool to cut through the wrench, so this hack is better suited to those with some tools lying around the house or garage, rather than a complete beginner! 

Don’t worry, though, you can pick up these tools at a reasonable price, or borrow them from a family member or friend to get the wrench cut quickly, such as a hacksaw!

There are lots of tutorials online that you can watch to learn how to use your Allen wrench in a drill easily, without running the risk of your drill suffering a jam or some other kind of break! 

Know Which Way To Turn The Wrench 

We appreciate this sounds a bit simplistic, but you wouldn’t believe how many people don’t know what way they should be using their Allen wrench!

We find it easier to insert the shorter leg into the screw and hold the longer leg to turn the wrench and screw your screws into place.

This reduces wear on your hands and will shave away time spent flushing them into wood using a hex key.

But you might find it easier the alternative way, make sure you spend some time to find out what is most comfortable for you.

The comfier you are, the quicker you will be able to work with a hex wrench! 

Next, consider the way you need to turn the screw. The old saying, ‘rightie, tightie, leftie, loosie,’ should be running through your head!

Turning your Allen wrench clockwise, or to the right, will tighten the screw or fastener, whereas turning it counter-clockwise, or to the left, will loosen the screw, allowing you to remove it.

Once you have that locked in your brain, you can work a lot faster than if you were dithering for a few minutes trying to work out how you should fasten your screw. 

Trust us and spend a few minutes turning the Allen wrench one way and the other before you start assembling the furniture and it will become like second nature for your wrist! 

Know What Screws You Should Use 

Again, this sounds simple, but it will save you so much time! You should only use an Allen wrench with screws or fasteners that have a hexagonal shape on them.

Anything else and your Allen wrench isn’t going to fit into it properly or work as it should. So why waste your time? 

Using an Allen wrench for other screws is only going to slow you down, and your furniture will never get built.

So only use your Allen wrench when you need to use it. It’s not going to tighten screws that are designed for screwdrivers, so why waste your time?

By only using hexagonal-shaped screws, you are going to work faster and save yourself so much time! 

Use A Metal Allen Wrench 

Allen wrenches that come with your flat-pack furniture are fine to use, but they aren’t always the most durable.

So if you use them frequently, we recommend purchasing a more durable, high-quality metal Allen wrench.

These wrenches tend to feel heavier in your hand and often come in multipacks or travel cases that reduce your chances of losing or misplacing the wrench! 

You can pick up multi-packs at an affordable price online, allowing you to have a different size wrench for any screw and plenty of wrenches should you lose one or two! 

Final Thoughts 

And there you have it, some of our top hacks that will allow you to use an Allen wrench quickly and easily!

Whether you insert the wrench into a drill for super fast screwing, or you practice, ‘rightie, tightie, leftie, loosie’, until it is second nature, we are sure there is a hack here to help you use your Allen wrench like the professionals do! 

Good luck! 


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